It’s Monday again and we are one week into the reign of King Donald the Grifter. So far he has, partied it up with the three richest men in America, initiated his own meme coin and suggested the U.S. Treasury should buy it, (to be clear, Meme coin or token is a form of electronic currency that has nothing backing it and has no value) tried to change the constitution by declaring that birthright citizenship no longer exists, fired all the inspectors general, cancelled thirty five dollar Insulin, and the ability of Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors, and many others. I think that may have been done before breakfast. The thing he has not done is address high prices, which is what he complained about incessantly before the election and said he would fix on day one. Oooohhhn!!! Who knew it would be so hard. I guess we can’t do that! Another thing he didn’t know anything about was Project 2025. Yet most of his actions and orders are in line with and are described in the various chapters of Project 2025, and various authors of chapters of that manifesto have been appointed by Trump to positions of leadership where they can implement them.
Let’s remember the Judges who are coming to Punxsutawney on Sunday, March, 2nd. They will be in our office from 1pm till about 2:30pm when they will have to leave for another event. This is an opportunity that does not come around often. This is a rare opportunity for you to speak to Justices of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, among others. Come out that day and meet and greet. This may be a once in a lifetime experience.
Judicial Elections 2025
Members of the PA Democratic Party convened in Harrisburg and unanimously voted to endorse the following PA Judicial candidates for the 2025 Election Cycle:
• PA Supreme Court: Justices Christine Donohue, Kevin Dougherty, and David Wecht for (10 year) retention.
• PA Superior Court: Judge Alice Beck Dubow for (10 year) retention and Judge Brandon Neuman for the open seat.
• PA Commonwealth Court: Judge Michael H. Wojcik for (10 year) retention and Judge Stella Tsai for the open seat.
Retaining these experienced judges, and electing Brandon and Stella, is crucial to upholding justice and protecting our freedoms in the Commonwealth. Please come out on March 2nd and meet these candidates.
Our Groundhog Day Chili Fest is next weekend. We still need some volunteers to physically (wo)man the event to help serve, make coffee and hot chocolate, wipe tables, etc. there is no heavy lifting, just busy work and I think it will be fun. Hours are Saturday from 5pm to 10pm and Sunday from 7:30am to 11am. Please Help. Contact:
Tracy Weaver
Bridgette Shaffer
Any time you can give will be appreciated!
I would like to start a discussion group. We could meet at the office and delve into some of the issues that are affecting us locally as well as nationally. Maybe do some reading and or handouts and maybe explore some actions we can take like letter writing, contacting officials, taking action. Lets try it out and see where it goes. We will get more out of promoting our Democratic ideals, if we actually do it!
Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot JeffDems Chair
Donations Needed and Accepted
The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded primarily through local donations. We rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable all our initiatives, including our year-round Office/HQ which functions as “JeffDems Central.” Please start a monthly recurring donation to JeffDems, large or small, using the ActBlue link below, or of course, one-time donation checks are welcome! Contribute so that your County Committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you!
“Jefferson County Democratic Committee”
c/o Steve Larchuk, Treasurer
PO Box 266
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)!
*January and into 2025: Continuing need for volunteer time
– Office hours will continue through December and into the new year. Post election hours are to be determined. It is important that we remain active and have a presence in the community.
*February 1-2: Hot Chili and Hot Chocolate with the Democrats
– Celebrate Groundhog Day at the office with a cup of home made chili. Volunteers needed.
*February ? Discussion Group
*March 2: Petition Signing and Judge Meet and Greet
– In the office 1pm – 2:30pm State-wide Court Justices will be present to meet and discuss why it is important to retain them. There will be petitions to sign