
It’s Monday! 10/2/2023

It’s Monday again.  The second, and hopefully the last, Republican debate was held last week.  At times, decorum completely broke down and these candidates sounded like a flock of cackling hens shouting over each other.  Most of the rest of the time was spent attacking Joe and Hunter Biden.  Exactly zero time was spent on discussing policies they claim to care about, like, you know, the Border, the economy, health care, jobs, military readiness, and education, except to say they would reverse everything the Biden Administration has accomplished.  Meanwhile, their total popularity combined is some 40 points behind President Joe Biden.  The Republican clown show lives up to its name.

While the country is marching toward the economic disaster of a government shutdown, the Republican lead House of Representatives is doing an Impeachment Inquiry into The President.  It appears that the bulk of the information being used is from an informant who is himself on the lam from arrest and prosecution.  Additionally, the information comes from a timeline during which President Biden was not in office and was not a candidate for office.  The following link is a story detailing this Republican fishing expedition.

In New York, The Trump Organization and other Trump entities are about to lose their charters and be dissolved due to a finding of Fraud. I find it humorous that all his accusations have bounced back on him in a significant way.  I really do not like reporting about this fantasy land from week to week, but I don’t feel that I can let it roll around out there without at least pointing out the nuttiness of it
In any event, there is an election in 5 weeks that will determine our County leadership and the composition of our school boards, which in turn determines what direction our local education takes.  Are we going to continue on a solid footing with a well rounded education for all our children, or will we succumb to the short sighted vision of those who cannot progress into the 21st century.  Actually, the election is already on as mail ballots, if not already out, will be so shortly.

The Judicial races will determine the composition of state-wide courts.  Future cases before these courts may impact voting rights, ballot challenges, and the health care rights of women. Follow the link to the JeffDems website where there is good information on the Candidates.  We are updating info all the time, so check back regularly.  Remember to vote and get others to vote also.

Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot
Jefferson County Chair

Donations Accepted
The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state), thus we rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable such initiatives as registering new voters and promoting candidates, especially for the upcoming State, County, & Local Elections.
One-time checks are wonderful, or better still, please consider making a recurring monthly donation, large or small:  Go to ActBlue and contribute so that your county committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you!

“Jefferson County Democratic Committee”
c/o Jane Halin, Treasurer
PO Box 266
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)!
October 23rd – Last day to Register to vote in November Election.
October 30th – Last day to Request a Mail-in Ballot
Meet and Greet events will be scheduled for both Punxsutawney and Brookville in the near future to promote local municipal and school board candidates.
November 7th – Election Day