It’s Monday again and we are just one month away from the Primary Election. Mail ballots should be going out this week. For that reason, I believe a review of candidates is in order. Because in Pennsylvania, Primary ballots are party specific, we will only see Democratic Candidates on our ballot, and only registered Democrats can vote this ballot. This will be fairly cut and dry on the Federal side of the ballot, but there will still be some choice on the State side, and we will attempt to help you navigate there.
On the Federal side, you will see three names. For President, Joseph R. Biden; for Senator, Robert P. Casey; and for Representative in the 15th Congressional District, Zach Womer. These candidates will be nominated to be on the fall ballot; however, we must show them broad support now and build momentum into the fall election. Voting for President is important, that is true. Equally important is voting to maintain a Democratic Senate majority, and to win back a Democratic House majority.
On the State side, you will see multiple candidates for the positions available. I am going to attempt to simplify this. Of course, you are free to vote for whomever you want to, and we support that. However, the State Party has an endorsement process that requires candidates to secure 67% support in a vote. JeffDems supports the party endorsed candidates and would prefer that you vote, Ryan Bizzarro for Treasurer, and Malcolm Kenyatta for Auditor General. It is the Treasurer who counts the State’s money and writes the checks to whoever is supposed to receive it. The Auditor General is the official who checks whether that money is being spent on what it was appropriated for. There will be five names on the ballot for Attorney General, no candidate was endorsed. JeffDems recommends a vote for Eugene DePasquale who received about 62% support at the state party meeting, with four other candidates splitting the balance. This is the participation I am always talking about. It costs you nothing, only the time to fill out and mail your ballot or go to the polls and vote.
Recent events in the courts have made it abundantly clear they are afraid of appearing political, and do not want to see a Trump Trial before the November election. Trump followers are always complaining about the liberal elite and a two tiered system of justice. Maybe they should realize those elites are mostly large corporations and extremely wealthy people of the conservative Republican variety. Yes, there is an appearance of a two tiered-system of justice, but it is less political and more financial. It merely depends on how much money you can pay your legal team. Trump has spent millions on his defense to delay an accounting of his actions, not because he is innocent, for that would be a waste of money and time, but because he is guilty, and delay is his prime weapon against accountability.
We are all weary of the Trump playbook and the dishonest actions and accusations of MAGA politicians in general, but we must NOT allow them to return to power. Project 2025 is a real thing. What is amazing is that they are arrogant enough to shout it from the rooftops like it’s a done deal. That may be their downfall! It is possible that the road to the White House runs straight through Pennsylvania like Intestate 80. Democratic turnout in places like Jefferson County will be the margin of victory. Yes, we are that important, but we must vote.
Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot, JeffDems Chair
Donations Needed and Accepted The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state). We rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable all of our initiatives and hopefully, in August – November, an Office/HQ to function as “JeffDems Central” before the critical Fall Election. Please make it one of your New Year’s resolutions, to start a monthly recurring donation to JeffDems, large or small, using the ActBlue link below, or of course, one-time donation checks are welcome! Contribute so that your county committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you! “Jefferson County Democratic Committee” c/o Steve Larchuk, Treasurer PO Box 266 Punxsutawney, PA 15767 or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)! CALLENDAR * April 8 – Last day to Register to Vote in the Primary Election. * April 16 – Last day to Request a Mail-In Ballot * April 23 – Primary Election Day |