It is Monday once again! There are a few things to discuss. One that may fall under the radar is Donald Trump and the New York Courts. Today is the day he is required to post bond in the fraud case. No insurance or surety company has stepped forward to post bond for him. His lawyers claim he doesn’t have the money, but he just said he has 500 million cash. Someone is lying, I wonder who. There is also talk of Truth Social going public or Trump selling some of his shares to raise cash. The problem here is that an honest realistic valuation of Truth Social puts it at about 50 million dollars, but Trump claims it is worth two billion. That is about 40 times more than reality suggests. Does anyone see a pattern here? The problem is that if an individual investor gives Donald Trump 500 million dollars to bail him out of a jam, and then he becomes president, he will be in the hip pocket of that investor. If Donald Trump walks into the courtroom with 500 million cash to post bond, the public needs to know the source of that money, and the individuals involved. They won’t like it, people operating on the dark side never do.
Mr. McCormick has been ramping up advertising in Pennsylvania, claiming he is a proud Pennsylvanian. He may be proud, but he lives in Connecticut. He comes to Pa. to attend an event, and then he goes home to Connecticut. Mr. McCormick tells us he has new ideas, but he would vote to raise the retirement age for Social Security and reduce benefits. He would vote to repeal the ACA and would take environmental protections backwards. He would vote for a national abortion ban. Remember that as a hedge fund manager he dismantled companies and took jobs from Pennsylvania to China. He is just another Dr. Oz style carpetbagger. We need to make sure Bob Casey holds his Senate Seat.
A word about polls. First, they are an imperfect measure of the population because sample size is small. Polls can easily be constructed to produce a particular result. Poll questions can be manipulative and biased, intentionally or not. I am not suggesting that polls should be ignored, but they should be looked at with a critical eye.
We have good candidates. If we do the work, we will be successful.
Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot, JeffDems Chair
Donations Needed and Accepted
The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state). We rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable all of our initiatives and hopefully, in August – November, an Office/HQ to function as “JeffDems Central” before the critical Fall Election. Please make it one of your New Year’s resolutions, to start a monthly recurring donation to JeffDems, large or small, using the ActBlue link below, or of course, one-time donation checks are welcome! Contribute so that your county committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you!
“Jefferson County Democratic Committee”
c/o Steve Larchuk, Treasurer
PO Box 266
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)!
* April 8 – Last day to Register to Vote in the Primary Election.
* April 16 – Last day to Request a Mail-In Ballot
* April 23 – Primary Election Day