It’s Monday and today is the day most of us have been waiting for. Yep, today is the beginning of the first criminal trial of Donald John Trump, the twice impeached, disgraced former President. All the delays, motions, and appeals have gone for naught, and jury selection will start this morning. He has been screaming at the top of his lungs, blaming Joe Biden and the Democrats for everything from 9/11 to Roe v. Wade. He is flailing around like a fish on the dock gasping for air, but I know one thing, accountability is coming.
Iran attacked Israel. It was a massive drone attack. The situation in the Middle East is fluid, and quite dangerous. All these outside actors, like Russia and Iran, are like a bunch of children poking a hornet’s nest. Something bad may happen, no one is going to like it, and the solution will be much more difficult. In the past 75 or so years since the formation of Israel, the dialog (if you can call it that) has been controlled by revenge and retribution. This will continue until the primary actors, Israel and Palestine, stand up to be the adults in the room. I believe the Biden Administration is doing what it can to moderate the situation, but we have no direct control over any of the actors. Neither would Trump, and if he says otherwise, it would be inaccurate! I believe his penchant for chaos would make it worse.
We have eight days until the Primary Election. It is amazing! In our system we have the power, the ability, and I dare say, the obligation to participate in the political process and choose the individuals who we think will best represent our values. You are right, this is not the fall election, but it is where we get to pick the best candidates we can.
Your JeffDems Committee recommends that you vote for the following Candidates:
- Joseph R. Biden – President of the United States
- Robert P. Casey – Senator for the State of Pennsylvania
- Zach Womer – Representative from the 15th Legislative District
- Eugene DePasquale – Attorney General of Pennsylvania
- Ryan Bizzarro – Treasurer of Pennsylvania
- Malcolm Kenyatta – Auditor General of Pennsylvania
- William McGill – (Write-in) Senator for the 25th Senatorial District of PA. Note that the 41st Senatorial District has no Democratic Candidate.
- Ezra Nanes, Margie Swoboda, Laura Shadle, Braxton White, (vote for 4) Delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
We must continue to stand up for and promote our Democratic values of truth, fairness, and inclusion in the face of the hatred and bigotry that permeates the misinformation emanating from MAGA. What better way to do that than voting for and supporting our Candidates. Remember, the Election is only one week away. Get those mail ballots in or, make sure you have time to vote next Tuesday!
Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot
JeffDems Chair
Donations Needed and Accepted The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state). We rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable all of our initiatives and hopefully, in August – November, an Office/HQ to function as “JeffDems Central” before the critical Fall Election. Please make it one of your New Year’s resolutions, to start a monthly recurring donation to JeffDems, large or small, using the ActBlue link below, or of course, one-time donation checks are welcome! Contribute so that your county committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you! “Jefferson County Democratic Committee” c/o Steve Larchuk, Treasurer PO Box 266 Punxsutawney, PA 15767 or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)! CALENDAR * April 16 – Last day to Request a Mail-In Ballot * April 23 – Primary Election Day |