It’s Monday! A few of you, like myself, are old enough to remember the 1960’s. Many events happened during that decade that drew a lot of attention from the Media, the Government, the Police, and caused a lot of anxiety for our parents. Those events helped shape our generation for better or worse. We burned both bras and draft cards, found civil rights and voting rights, and created Medicare. We protested the Vietnam War, the military industrial complex, and fought for fairness amidst inequities both real and perceived. Yet we survived, we became a generation of Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Industrial workers, et cetera who have taken our nation into the 21st Century. I’m sure we all remember Woodstock, probably the largest and best hippie gathering and music festival ever! At least it has never been replicated, most likely never will. That was really a giant anti-war protest and there was a lot of push-back until……nostalgia took over.
Has anyone figured out where I’m heading? Yes, let’s draw a parallel to the current protest situation on college campuses around the country now. It is always hard to let free speech flow when it is mingled with hate speech and bigotry. Today, as it was in the sixties, there is always controversy surrounding the difference of opinions. We cannot allow threats and calls for violence to control the narrative, but we must honor the people’s right to speak their mind. What was horrible yesterday is lionized today and what may be seen as horrible today may be lionized tomorrow. Just some food for thought.
These are just some of the things we are struggling to protect today and preserve for tomorrow. We should know that absolute security is virtually unattainable. The forfeiture of freedoms in search of security does nothing more than create a police state. The retraction of freedoms such as a woman’s right to choose, is but a small part of the right-wing agenda we are facing today. I believe our freedoms are worth voting for, don’t you? We need your votes, your voices, your time, your talents, and some of your treasure to help us be the best we can be.
Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot, JeffDems Chair
Donations Needed and Accepted The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state). We rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable all of our initiatives and hopefully, in August – November, an Office/HQ to function as “JeffDems Central” before the critical Fall Election. Please make it one of your New Year’s resolutions, to start a monthly recurring donation to JeffDems, large or small, using the ActBlue link below, or of course, one-time donation checks are welcome! Contribute so that your county committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you! “Jefferson County Democratic Committee” c/o Steve Larchuk, Treasurer PO Box 266 Punxsutawney, PA 15767 or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)! CALENDAR * June 30 – July 6: Festival in the Park – Barclay Square, Punxsutawney – We will, once again, be an exhibitor and will need volunteers to “man” the JeffDems booth. * July 14 – July 20: Jefferson County Fair – County Fairgrounds, Brookville – We will, once again, be an exhibitor and will need volunteers to “man” the JeffDems booth. * August 23 – 24: Demstock 2024 @ The Butler County Farm Show Grounds – More info will be coming soon. We may be purchasing a County Sponsorship, which will enable us to exhibit and receive an allotment of tickets for Saturday 8/23, and one overnight camping pass. Individual tickets can be purchased by going to * Picnic @ Nick’s: Date TBD |