It’s Monday! I have been told that I should try to not talk about Don the felon all the time. However, you and I both know that it is a difficult, if not impossible task to ignore Trump. I have been thinking about all of Trump’s ramblings dating back to the escalator speech in 2015, or was it 16. At that time, he rambled on in a racist manner about Mexicans being drug dealers and rapists. In the years since his ramblings have become more incoherent and no less racist than before. Recently, when his teleprompter went down, he launched into a musing about sharks and electric boats with batteries so heavy they would sink and the operator could either stay aboard and be electrocuted or jump overboard and be eaten by the shark.
I believe it is obvious that Donald Trump’s mental acuity and capacity for rational thought has visibly diminished over the past few years. I am neither a psychologist nor an expert in elder care, therefore I cannot make a diagnosis. But I, like most of you, have witnessed friends or relatives slip into progressive dementia and lose the ability to function normally. The next question is, why do so many people still support Him? It does not matter how much we have brought our society forward to a more perfect union, or beat down racism, bigotry, and misogyny, there is still plenty of hatred and mistrust in our great nation.
The most important problem may be The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025. This is an incredibly caustic right wing program that uses an ultra-conservative view of Christian Nationalism which will take us back at least 100 years. It is well funded through the corporate world and basically puts property rights ahead of individual rights. I think that in all this, Trump is the useful idiot. If returned to power, because of his transactional nature and his loyalty to only himself, Trump will trade away everything for personal wealth.
It does not have to end that way. We have the political power to stop this right-wing power grab by using the ballot box. Our democratic slate is strong. We just need to put aside any concerns and actually go vote, by mail or in person. Joe Biden is not senile. The debate will prove that. Bob Casey is running against a carpet bagger. Our State Row Office Candidates are solid as are Bill Mcgill for Senate 25, and Zach Womer for PA15 House. Zach is the youngest candidate in the country to run for Federal Office.
Our candidates are issue based and are looking to make our communities better. If you get a chance, ask Chris Dush why he won’t support raising the minimum wage in PA. Workers are leaving the State for better wages instead of staying home and growing our communities. Ask GT Thompson why his farm bill cuts SNAP and WIC. These programs provide outlets for farm products as well as helping to provide retail jobs in grocery stores. They also provide much needed nutritional support to marginalized children. For a party that wants to make children be born into this world, they certainly don’t give two hoots about what happens to them once they are here.
Get energized! We will continue to fight his battle in every cycle. Our opponents won’t stop pushing and neither should we.
Participate, Donate, Vote.
John Huot, JeffDems Chair
Donations Needed and Accepted
The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state). We rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable all our initiatives, including an Office/HQ to function as “JeffDems Central” before the critical Fall Election. Please start a monthly recurring donation to JeffDems, large or small, using the ActBlue link below, or of course, one-time donation checks are welcome! Contribute so that your County Committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you!
“Jefferson County Democratic Committee”
c/o Steve Larchuk, Treasurer
PO Box 266
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)!
* June 29 – July 6: Festival in the Park – Barclay Square, Punxsutawney
– We will, once again, be an exhibitor and will need volunteers to “man” the JeffDems booth.
* July 14 – July 20: Jefferson County Fair – County Fairgrounds, Brookville
– We will, once again, be an exhibitor and will need volunteers to “man” the JeffDems booth.
* August 23 – 24: Demstock 2024 @ The Butler County Farm Show Grounds
– More info will be coming soon. We may be purchasing a County Sponsorship, which will enable us to exhibit and receive an allotment of tickets for Saturday 8/23, and one overnight camping pass. Individual tickets can be purchased by going to
* Picnic @ Nick’s: Date TBD
*Sept 6: Jefferson-Clearfield Dinner – Luigi’s Villa, DuBois
-Candidates and good food, 5PM Cocktail Hour, cash bar, 6PM dinner
-Tickets are available $50.00/person. Donate a basket for the auction.