It’s Monday again and this particular Monday is Labor Day. This Holiday was created to celebrate all the working people in the country. The work we all do in combination is what makes our society function. If you think that’s not a true statement, imagine what happens when the garbage man quits showing up. Everyone’s work contributes! Happy Labor Day!
It has been suggested that I don’t need to talk about Trump and Republicans every week, even though their actions beg me to do so. We do have more pleasurable items to discuss, and we will do that, but I must get a couple items off my chest. First, innocent people do not attempt to destroy or conceal evidence. (The attempt to erase security footage at Mar-a-Lago). Second, even though Justice Thomas has declared that his unreported gifts received are not inappropriate, when the giver of those gifts has multiple cases before the Court settled in a manner that financially benefits him, a bribe is still a bribe.
A fortunate set of events within the Punxsutawney Area School Board election has allowed us to put forward a full slate of Democratic Candidates to be on the fall ballot. A resignation from the board has allowed us to appoint a candidate for a two-year slot to finish that term, and an individual has removed himself from the ballot, allowing us to appoint a 4th candidate for the four-year slots. Candidates who will appear on the ballot for a four-year term are Cindy Taylor, Lisa Gourley, Sally E. Villella, and Madge Davis-Persing. Appearing for the two-year slot will be Cindy Taylor. I will note here that you are permitted and encouraged to vote for Cindy Taylor for BOTH positions. If she wins both positions, it will then be her choice which one she accepts.
Come one, come all! Next Sunday, Sept. 10th is the Annual Jefferson County Democratic Picnic, and everyone is invited to attend. We do a potluck meal, so fix up your favorite recipe, be prepared to eat well, and enjoy the company of your friends and neighbors who believe in Democracy, fairness, freedom, and equality. We gather at the camp of Nick Gianvito, 321 Demko Lane, Punxsutawney. The festivities will start at 1PM and continue until dark. We would like to have a head count and an idea of what you might bring so respond to this email or respond to Nick’s post on our Facebook page. Of course, bringing a dish is not required, but having fun and meeting new people is, so let’s have some fun before we start the task of electing Democratic candidates in November.
Participate, Donate, Vote
John Huot
Jefferson County Chair
Donations Accepted The Jefferson County Democratic Committee (JeffDems) is funded through donations (we do not get funding from the state), thus we rely on the generosity of local Democrats to enable such initiatives as registering new voters and promoting candidates, especially for the upcoming State, County, & Local Elections. One-time checks are wonderful, or better still, please consider making a recurring monthly donation, large or small: Go to ActBlue and contribute so that your county committee can do more on your behalf. Thank you! “Jefferson County Democratic Committee” c/o Jane Halin, Treasurer PO Box 266 Punxsutawney, PA 15767 or use ActBlue I just gave to Jefferson County Democratic Committee.(PA)! |
Calendar Sept. 10: Starting @ 1 pm, JeffDems Picnic at Nick Gianvito’s Camp (321 Demko Lane, Punxsutawney) |