January 21, 2025
Dear Editor:
After watching and listening to the Inauguration of the current President; it appears that we are
setting out on a new path as a country. Instead of government of the people, by the people, for
the people; we are blazing a new trail of government of the billionaire, by the billionaire, for the
billionaire. The rotunda of the Capital was populated by many of the well-known billionaires
from Bezos to Musk, from Rathaswamy to Zuckerberg and by many other rich guys who are not
as easily identified. Notably present was the CEO of the Chinese entity, Tik Tok, sitting next to
the nominee for Director of National Intelligence.
Absent from the rotunda was the common everyday American who propelled Trump into
power. Those people were relegated to the sports arena down the road. Those “blue collar”
fans got the cheap seats.
The billionaire clique, after funding the new administration with hundreds of millions of dollars,
will now expect the payback. Whether it comes in the form of fewer regulations, greater access
to government contracts, lower taxes, or maybe even the colonization of Mars. That remains to
be seen.
As for the “Blue Collar” guy, well as usual, that’s who gets to pay the bills. The deficit will
continue to grow, interest rates will rise, prices will go up, billionaires will profit and the
average American will suffer greatly., it’s “déjà vu” all over again. We get the scraps that trickle
down and are left to try and pick up the pieces.
Is this an Administration for the people or is it for the privileged?